Web platform for data valorization
VineCore is a health risk management web platform. This platform aims to aggregate agronomic data from vineyards, and smartly render them to give users a clearer, more precise view of what is happening in their vineyard, or a more concise view, with the aim to improve sustainable bio-aggressors management strategies.
The platform offers precise mapping of the anomalies recorded in VineSpot and those detected by the VineMapper, which not only gives an estimate of the disease’s pressure in a plot, but also shows its distribution within the plot. With a single click, the user can then produce a PDF report and send it directly by email. These reports, which can be customized with the company's logo and color, enable advisors to quickly share the data they have collected on VineSpot on behalf of their clients.
The platform also includes data and forecasts supplied by Greenshield's partners, enabling this information to be correlated with that provided by our tools. For example, it is possible to visualize the weather forecast provided by Cap2020's virtual stations, or the levels of disease risk predicted by Decitrait.
It is also possible to retain experiments in VineCore, so that the data recorded in VineSpot can be associated with specific groups. This allows detailed graphs to be displayed in VineCore showing the evolution of the disease pressure measurements on the different groups, helping the user to interpret the results of their experiment. The results can then be exported for further analysis.
VineCore also contains a panel of features called the "network view". It is a system of fully customizable dashboards to visualize data of an entire operating network. The data can be viewed in the form of maps and graphs, to make it easy to compare disease pressures from one sector to another, a system of filters and categorizations is available. These functionalities, designed for those managing a large network of operations, are flexible enough to be adapted to any type of use, and can therefore also be used to get a synthetic view of the pressure on a vineyard.
VineCore is available to all the Agronomy Monitoring subscribers.